作者:ahzyxb  添加时间:2009-03-30 点击次数:693
李 亮
(安徽交通职业技术学院,安徽 合肥 230051)
摘 要:文章研究了一维空间中半导体量子流体动力学模型解的长时间行为,主要关注的是一类三阶偏微分方程组。文章采用构造熵泛函的办法,得到解某些范数意义下的衰减结果。
Abstract:The paper studies the long time behavior of semiconductor’s quantum hydrodynamic model solution in the onedimensional space.The focus is one kind of thirdorder parital differential equation sets.The structural entropy functional means is used to obtain the attenuative results under certain norm significance.
Key words:energy estimation;parabola;attenuation
陈锡勇, 周锁林
(常州纺织服装职业技术学院,江苏 常州 213164)
摘 要:喷气织机利用压缩空气作为引纬介质进行织造,已被公认为是一种最有效的引纬方式之一。文章主要讨论了KT2000喷气织机的上机工艺参数设定与调试过程。
Abstract:The jetair looms use pressed air as the medium of picking in weaving process, which is  regarded as one of the effective methods. This paper  mainly discusses the setting and the adjustment for processing factors of the KT2000Model jetair looms.
Key words:jetair loom; weaving quality; technological parameter;setting and adjustment; factor
张 波1,2,  张泽浜3,  吴敏伟2
(1.合肥工业大学资源与环境学院,安徽 合肥 230009;
2.皇冠博彩,安徽 合肥 230051; 3.煤炭工业合肥设计研究院,安徽 合肥 230041)
摘 要:印染废水含有多种染料、助剂,具有水量大、有机污染物浓度高、可生化性较差、色度高、碱性大、水质水量变化大、成分复杂等特点,对水环境危害极大。文章通过对典型印染废水处理工艺的分析,结合工程实际,全面系统地探讨了印染废水的脱色技术与发展前景。
关键词:印染废水; 水质; 处理工艺; 脱色技术
Abstract:Dyeing wastewater contains various dyes and chemistry assistants, with the features of large amount of water, high concentration of organic pollutants, low biodegradability, high chromaticity, high alkaline, big difference of water quality and quantity and complex components and so on, which is very harmful to water environment. The Paper systematically discusses  the decolorization technology of dyeing waster water and its prospects by the analysis of typical dyeing wastewater treatment technology, which deals with the real project.
Key words:dyeing wastewater; water quality;treatment technology; decolorization technology
(扬州职业大学 汽车与电气工程系,江苏 扬州 225002)
摘 要:文章介绍了几种常用的嵌入式系统的数据通信技术,如有线的单总线、IIC总线、SPI总线,以及红外通讯及射频通讯技术等。分析了它们的基本原理和特点,为其在中小型嵌入式系统中的应用提供了帮助。
Abstract:The application and principle of several embeddedsystem communication technologies, such as onewire bus, IIC, SPI, IrDA and RF, is discussed in this paper. It will provide us some help on application of the embedded system.
Key words:embedded system; cable communications;  wireless communications
刘 丽
(皇冠博彩 ,安徽 合肥 230051)
摘 要: 针对传统的水质实时监测系统布线难、维护成本高等问题,结合无线传感器网络技术,文章提出了一种新的基于ZigBee技术的水质监测系统实现的方案。方案采用网状结构组建水质监测网络,在ZigBee协议栈的基础上进行应用开发。文章分析了系统的总体设计框架、传感器节点的硬件结构及应用软件主要模块功能。
关键词:    无线传感器网络;  水质监测; ZigBee
Abstract:Aimed at the problem of hardrouting and highcost of maintenance existing in the traditional water quality real time monitoring, a new method of applying WSN based on Zigbee wireless communication technology to water quality monitoring is proposed. A method of adopting mesh network based on ZigBee stack to establish water quality monitoring system is provided. Then the overall design of the system framework, the hardware structure of sensor nodes and function of application software modules are mainly analysed.
Key words:wireless sensor network;water quality monitoring;ZigBee
郑家房1,2,韩 江1
(1.合肥工业大学机械与汽车学院,安徽 合肥 230009;
2.皇冠博彩,安徽 合肥 230051)
摘 要:文章论述了塑料钻削加工的特点,常用塑料钻削加工用麻花钻主要参数的合理选择,钻削工艺条件的选择,以及塑料钻削加工时应注意的问题。
Abstract:The paper describes the plastic drilling propreties, the reasonable choice of the  main parameters of the twist drill,the selection of drilling technique and some problems during plastic drilling.
Key words:plastic;drilling; twist drill; geometric parameter
杜兰萍1,2, 韩 江1
(1.合肥工业大学机汽学院,安徽 合肥 230009;2.皇冠博彩,安徽 合肥 230051)
摘 要:文章分析了正前角成形车刀加工圆锥面工件时产生双曲线误差的原因,提出了几种消除或减小双曲线误差的方法。
关键词:双曲线误差;  前刀面;  正前角
Abstract:This article analyses the reason of hyperbolic error in cutting cone by using arc front form tool,and offers some methods to eliminate or reduce the hyperbolic error.
Key words:hyperbolic error;rake face; arc front
桂树国1,胡 坤1, 崔松革2
(1.皇冠博彩,安徽 合肥 230051;2.安徽省教育厅,安徽 合肥 230061)
摘 要:文章运用射频识别(RFID)技术,基于Internet的ASP及ADO.net访库技术、COM组件技术、短信群发技术和Web网站,智能地解决了毕业生参加招聘会的入场身份识别和招聘会后数据的统计及分析问题。
关键词:RFID;ASP;毕业生就业; MIS
Abstract:Based on the ASP and ADO of Internet,net Data Access technology,COM component technology,the short message groupsending system and websites’ the paper applies RFID technology to solve the problem of identification of graduates who participate in job fairs as well as data statisties and analyses after the fairs.
Key words:RFID; ASP; employment of graduates; MIS
(深圳职业技术学院 工业中心,广东  深圳  518055)
摘 要:文章介绍了自由科学计算软件SCILAB的图像合成功能,并应用图像合成函数制作了几个实例,为SCILAB用户使用图像处理工具箱处理图像提供帮助。
Abstract:The paper introduces the image synthesis function of SCILAB and some examples produced by image synthesis functions,which can provide help for SCILAB image processing toolbox users.   
Key words:SCILAB;image synthesis
(安徽审计职业学院,安徽 合肥 230601)
摘 要:以人为本的提出是对历史发展经验教训的科学总结,是促进人的全面发展的必然要求,也是对时代发展趋势的准确把握。
关键词:    科学发展观;人的全面发展;以人为本
Abstract:The viewpoint of peopleoriented is the scientific summary of experience and lessons from historical development,the necessary requirement for promoting person’s full scale development and accurate assurance of the development tendency.
Key words:scientific outlook of development;person’s full scale development;peopleoriented
(福建农林大学法律系,福建 福州 350002)
摘 要:  宁德畲族民俗文化内涵丰富,是调查、研究和借鉴畲族历史文化的主要依据。现有的知识产权法和《皇冠博彩》都无法满足对畲族民俗文化保护的要求。我国应借鉴国外文化遗产保护的相关法律规定,确立畲族民俗文化保护的原则,设置专门的保护机构,采取合理的保护措施,建立并依法管理相关保护基金。
关键词:畲族;  民俗文化;  法律保护;  非物质文化
Abstract: SHE folk in Ningde culture has rich content, it’s the major basis of the investigation, study and reference to the SHE’s history and culture. Current intellectual property law and the convention of “intangible cultural heritage” can’t meet the requirements of the protection of SHE folk culture. For this reason, people should learn from   laws of cultural heritage protection abroad. We should establish the principle of the protection measures for folk culture protection, the protection institutions of the rights as well as the reasonable measures in accordance with the relevant protection fund.
Key words:SHE folk; folkcustom culture; protection of the law; intangible cultural  heritage
(安徽师范大学政法学院 ,安徽 芜湖 241003)
摘 要:行政公益诉讼的目的在于保护社会公共利益,行政机关的行为应代表公共利益,但是违法行政行为的出现却屡见不鲜,有关行政公益诉讼的立法和制度在我国仍属空白。因此需要有一个社会公共利益的代表者代表公众对此类侵害公共利益的行政行为进行起诉,以确保公共利益不受行政行为的侵害。在我国,能代表全体社会公众利益的只能是检察机关。检察机关作为法律监督机关,提起行政公益诉讼是其应有的职责,这样能有效地抑制违法行政行为,维护社会公共利益。
Abstract:The Public Interest Litigation aims at the protection of public interests. The Procuratorial Organ should be on behalf of public interests. But the emergence of illegal administrative acts is common. Even the legislative in China is still a blank. In order to keep the public interests from the violation of administrative actions, we must have a social public interest representative on behalf of the public to prosecute such acts of the administration which are against the public interests. In China, the representative of the whole social public interests can only be the Procuratorial Organ. As a legal supervision organization, to file the Public Interest Litigation is its duty. This can effectively curb the illegal administrative acts and safeguard the public interests.
Key words:public interest;public interest litigation; litigation of the administrative public interests; right of public prosecution
高 明
(辽东学院  中文系,辽宁  丹东 118003)
摘 要:佛教起源于古代印度,在东汉以前就已经传入中国。为了在中国扎根发芽,佛教经历了与儒道思想交流融合的过程。其中,对佛教经典进行翻译是佛教实现中国化不可或缺的一个环节。当我们提到佛教文化的影响时,首先要注意到的就是对中国语言的影响。文章以古代白话短篇小说“三言”为例,探讨佛教文化对其语言艺术的渗透。
Abstract:Buddhism comes from India in the ancient times and became a member of China in the Eastern Han Dynasty. In order to take root in China, Buddhism has experienced the process of exchanging and harmonizing with Confucian. Carrying out translation on Buddhist scriptures is an indispensable link to realize Buddhism Chinese. When we talk about the influence of the Buddhism culture, we should firstly pay attention to the influence of the Chinese language.This article takes the ancient shortstory “Sanyan” as  the example to investigate the pervasion of Buddhism culture to the language art.
Key words:“Sanyan”; Buddhism; language art; influence; pattern; characteristics
花仕旺, 任宏霞
(肇庆科技职业技术学院 艺术教育系,广东 肇庆  526020)
摘 要:中国的山水画代表着中国古代先民们对大自然的崇尚,对祖国大好河山的热爱。山水画是中国传统文化精神之体现,其精神实质是人与自然的和谐。山水画所表现的人与自然和谐的美学精神,满足了人类安顿心灵的需要,提高了人们的精神境界。
Abstract:China’s landscape paintings represent the respects of Chinese ancestors to the nature and their love to the riversand mountaions of their motherland. The paintings reflect traditional Chinese culture,the core of which is the harmony between man and nature. The harmonious aesthetic spirit from these paintings meet the need of man’s mental calm and can enhance man’ spiritual boundary.
Key words:Chinese landscape painting; mood of literary work; traditional culture; harmony
(青海师范大学  人文学院,青海  西宁 810008)
摘 要:作为一种附着作品前后的文体,序跋不仅简介了作者的生平,作品的成书过程,而且包含一些相关的文艺理论。文章从阅读者的角度论述了序跋在读者欣赏古代小说中的重要作用和意义。
关键词:序跋; 阅读欣赏; 古代小说; 作用
Abstract:As a literary form attached to the fiction, preface and postscript, not only describe the life story of the writer and the completion of his orher work, but also include some relevant literary theories. The paper intends to delineate the role and significance of preface and postscript in the reading of ancient fictions.
Key words:preface and postscript;     appreciation;    ancient fiction; function   
(天津市财贸管理干部学院,天津 300170)
摘 要:本研究使用社会支持评定量表和网络成瘾量表对585名大学生进行问卷调查,探讨大学生社会支持与网络成瘾之间的关系。结果发现,社会支持度低的大学生更容易形成网络成瘾;社会支持各因子及总分与网络成瘾各因子及总分之间存在不同程度的负相关,并且社会支持对网络成瘾具有一定程度的预测作用。
关键词:大学生;  社会支持;  网络成瘾
Abstract:With the social support Scale, revised Chinese Internet Addiction Scale’s Revision(CIAS-R), and 585 college students as the subjects, the paper explores the relationship between college students’ social support and Internet addiction. The results show that Internet addiction occurs more easily to college students with lower social support than bigger social support; there are negative correlation between social support total and internet addiction, and social support could strongly predict Internet addiction.
Key words:college student; social support; Internet addiction
余 靖
(安徽医学高等专科学院,安徽  合肥 230000)
摘 要:大学生正常的心理状态和社会交往是大学生社会化的一个重要内容,也是大学生适应社会走向社会成为社会人的重要环节。文章分析了贫困大学生心理压力和社会交往障碍的表现及成因,提出了化解贫困大学生心理压力和社会交往障碍的对策。
Abstract:The normal mental situation and social communication of college students is a very important  part of their socialization as well as the key step in which they adapt to and enter into the society to become social men. This paper mainly analyzes the performances and causes of needy students’ mental pressure and social communication obstacle and discusses the countermeasures for solving them from the aspects of college students’ mental health work and current management of students.
Key words:needy college student; mental pressure; social communication obstacle; countermeasure
(安徽师范大学 外国语学院,安徽 芜湖 241000)
摘 要:文章论述了高等职业教育科研工作的主要内容,分析了高等职业教育科研与教学、教研的关系,指出了高等职业教育科研工作存在的主要问题,提出了应对策略。
Abstract:This paper describes the main task of the scientific research in higher vocational education, analyzes the relationship between the scientific research and teaching, the scientific research and the teaching research, points out the main problems in the scientific research in higher vocational education and puts forward the countermeasures.
Key words: higher vocational education; scientific research; countermeasure
夏 郁
(皇冠博彩,安徽 合肥 230051)
摘 要:改革开放三十年来,高校教育教学和人事管理体制不断演变, 高校人事档案工作也有了新的内涵,旧的管理模式已不适应现代社会的发展,高校应积极探索人事档案新的管理方法和手段。
Abstract:With three decades of reform and opening up, and the development of the system of  higher education teaching and personnel management system,  personnel files  have a new connotation. The old model of file management can suit the development of modern society,so the new methods should be explored in colleges.
Key words:college; personnel files management; problem and solution
(扬州工业职业技术学院,江苏 扬州  225127)
摘 要:随着高职课程改革快速发展,高职教师的专业化要求日益彰显,高职教师专业化存在一定的特殊性,集中体现为学术性、专业实践性和师范性相整合的核心问题,文章针对这一问题进行深入的分析探讨,有助于积极推进我国高职教育事业的蓬勃发展。
Abstract:The specialization of the team of teachers in vocational colleges has its own character,the core is the integration of academic, professional practice and teachers.The exploration and discussion of the issue make an active contribution to the development of higher vocational education in China. 
Key words:higher vocational education; specialization of teachers; strategy of professional teacher
吕 虹
(浙江金融职业学院,浙江 杭州 310018)
摘 要:高职教学改革的真正意义是使课程教学内容更加适合高职学生培养的目标,摒弃传统的教学思维定式,不断尝试与探索,力求打破教材体系的系统性构建传统,建立以工作任务为核心辐射,知识传授与能力培养为主导的课程内容体系,以适应职业岗位的需要。
关键词:高职教育;  课程改革;  教学;  任务导向
Abstract:The meaning of higher vocational education reform is to make teaching content more suitable for the training aim of higher vocational students, discarding the traditional teaching mode, trying to explore and break traditional teaching material system construction. In order to meet the needs of profession posts, the new curriculum content system reform principle should be built, which focuses on core radiation of task and the training of knowledge and abilityoriented.
Key words:higher vocational education; curriculum reform; teaching; task orientation
(皇冠博彩,安徽 合肥 230051)
摘 要:一般的电工电子技术课程不但理论多,而且缺少岗位分析和针对性,不能适应教学需要。文章结合教学实践,以《皇冠博彩网址平台》课程开发为例,论述了基于工作过程的课程开发方法和实施步骤。
Abstract:The course of general electrical and electronic technology not only has much theory but also lacks analysis of post and aim,so the course does not suit the requirement of teaching.The paper discusses the method and implementation steps of course development based on the work process,from internship and the example of the course development of NC electrical and electronic technology.
Key words:work process; learning  field; learning environment; course  development
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