作者:ahzyxb  添加时间:2008-09-29 点击次数:1662
(中共安徽省委党校 科学文化教研部,合肥 230022)
摘  要:明清贞节观念是中国历史上最强的时期,明清时期徽州节烈现象与其他地方相比,尤为突出。学者从不同的角度分析明清节烈风气特别是徽州妇女节烈现象形成的原因,但普遍忽略了一个问题,那就是战争等暴力因素也是导致明清大批节烈妇女出现的重要原因。除了战乱以外,地方豪强强娶、流氓凌辱等暴力因素也可能导致妇女的殉烈。
AbstractThe Ming and Qing Dynasties' chaste idea is the strongest   in the Chinese history, in the Ming and Qing Dynasties; in Huizhou (a region in the south of Anhui Province),this  phenomenon is more outstandingl compared with  that in other places. The scholars have analyzed the reason of the Ming and Qing Dynasties' chaste atmosphere, especially the Huizhou women's chaste phenomenon from the different angles, but  generally neglected a question, that is, violence factors including war and so on also which cause the large quantities of chaste women arisening in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The Ming and Qing Dynasties, the chaos caused by war was frequent. In Huizhou,where chaste atmosphere was thick, because massive men died for war, which cause massive women's maintaining chaste inevitably. More women who faced soldiers and bandit's indecent assault killed themselves even taken collective action. Besides the chaos caused by war, the violence factors, for example, being forced to marry by local bullies, being humiliated by hoodlums, and so on, also might to cause the women  die for chaste.
  Key wordsMing and Qing Dynasties; violenct factors; Huizhou; chaste women
(安徽交通职业技术学院, 安徽 合肥 230051)
摘  要:旌德吕家四碧玉晶莹剔透,洁白无暇。她们的先人家教有方,特别是姐妹四人天资聪颖,勤奋好学,个个都是诗词高手。她们接受父母之教,都钟情教育,是最早创办女校,从事女子教育的先锋。她们品德高尚,热爱国家,憎恨侵略者和残暴者。她们心地纯洁,充满爱心,不仅热爱人们赖以生存的环境,还在世界讲坛上宣扬保护动物,是人和动物和谐相处的先知先行者。她们姐妹真正做到无私忘我,敬上孝亲,其至诚真情,令人无限感佩。四姐妹的高才与人品,永远值得后人敬重和学习。
  AbstractFour sisters in Jingde county, which is located in the south of Anhui province, were gifted, diligent and studious. They were all good at poems.Influenced by their parents, they were in deep love with education and founded girls' schools. They were pioneers in running girls' education, they were of lofty characters, loved  their  motherland and hated the barbarous invaders. Their talent and character are worth respecting and learning for later generations.
  Key wordsJingde county; four sisters of lv famity;great talent ;  moral quality
沈 荣1, 刘琴芳2
(1. 皇冠博彩 化工系,合肥 230051;
2. 国家农副加工食品质量监督检验中心,合肥 230050)
    摘  要:文章研究了在稀硫酸介质中亚硝酸根与硫堇发生的重氮化反应,基于硫堇的荧光强度随亚硝酸根的加入量增加而明显降低的现象,建立了荧光猝灭法测定痕量亚硝酸根的新方法。方法的激发波长为530 nm,发射波长为620 nm。在硫酸浓度为0.1 mol/L,反应时间为30 min的条件下,硫堇的荧光强度与亚硝酸根的加入量在10~240 μg/L NO-2间存在线性关系,方法的检出限为6.3 μg/L NO-2。方法操作简便,反应迅速,灵敏度高,已用于水样中痕量亚硝酸根的测定,并对反应的机理进行了讨论。
  AbstractA new fluotescence quenching method has been developed to determine nitrite in water samples. The method is based on the diazoreaction between nitrite ion and thionine in dilute suifuric acid medium. The fluotescence intensity is measured at excitation and emission wavelengths of 530nm and 620nm,respectively. The optimum experimental conditions have been confirmed and the concentration of suifuric acid is 0.1 mol/L, the reaction time was 30 min. Under the selected conditions, the relationship is obtained between the fluotescence intensity and nitrite concentration in the range 10~240 μg/L NO-2.The detection limit is 6.3 μg/L NO-2. The method  is applied to detertime trace nitrite in water samples. The mechanism involved in the reaction is also discussed.
  Key wordsquenching effect; fluotescence ; Thionine; Nitrite ion; water sample
(皇冠博彩,安徽 合肥 230051)
    摘  要:文章对几种常见芳香微胶囊做了性能对比,阐述了微胶囊在人造植物和花卉材料上的的应用方法和工艺,以及芳香人造植物中所含的甲醛的测试方法。
  AbstractThe paper compares the performance of several perfume compounds, explains the application   and process of microcapsule used for artificial plants and flowers, and also discusses the determination of the content of formaldehyde in them.
  Key wordsperfume compound; microencapsule; artificial plant and flower;  fragrance simulation
(安徽省高速公路总公司 全椒管理处,安徽 全椒 239500)
    摘  要:钢管混凝土劲性骨架拱桥优点是其跨越能力强,施工简便等,在日常设计中得到了广泛应用。钢管混凝土劲性骨架拱桥在修建过程中,施工加载顺序,对于结构的安全至关重要,在设计时应进行详细计算分析。文章结合某中承式劲性骨架箱肋拱桥,对其在施工、运营过程中的静、动力特性分析进行了阐述,供同行参考。
  AbstractThe advantage of arch bridges with stiff steelpipe concrete framework is the good ability of span and easy construction so that the technology is widely applied. In the construction of this kind of bridges, the sequence of construction is of great importance to safety of the structure, so the design should conduct detailed analysis. The paper presents the analysis of the static and dynamic characteristics in the construction and operation according to the construction of this kind of bridges.
   Key wordsarch bridge; structure static; stability
(西安医学院人文系,陕西 西安 710021)
    摘  要:十一届三中全会以来,我国发展观的演变主要经历了三个阶段,形成了三种各具特色而又相互联系的发展观,即"硬道理发展观"、"第一要务发展观"和"科学发展观"。中共十六届三中全会提出的新发展观之所以是科学发展观,是因为它是对十一届三中全会以来经济发展模式进行科学思考的产物,是对中国几代领导人发展观进行辩证扬弃的结果。
   AbstractSince the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Party Central Committee, the development outlook of our country has mainly experienced three stages and formed the development outlookin which three kinds of stages are of unique characteristics and also relate mutually, namely,universal truth development outlook, first important urgent development outlook  and scienctific  development outlook. The Third Plenary Session of the 16 Party Central Committee proposed the recent development outlook, that is, the scienctific  development outlook, because it has been the product of the scienctific  pondering on the economical development pattern to the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Party Central Committee. And it carries on developing the good and discarding the bad dialectically to Chinese several generations of leaders' development outlook.
  Key words development outlook; wniversal truth; scientific development; enlightenment
(1.华东师范大学,上海 200062;2.江西省宜春学院,江西 宜春 336000)
摘  要:中国"红歌"热有诸多价值:"红歌"为建设社会主义和谐社会提供良好的文化氛围;"红歌"丰富了中国人的价值取向;"红歌"为培养民族精神提供了实践平台。
Abstract"Red Songs" (also called Revolutionary Songs) Fever in China has its own value. It provides a rich cultural atmosphere for the construction of socialist harmonious society,enriches the value orientation for Chinese and sets up a practice platform for the cultivation of national spirit.
  Key words"Red Song";value;national spirit
兵, 凌晓明
(苏州大学法学院,江苏 苏州 215006)
    摘  要:自从新的诉讼费用交纳办法实施以后,法院的受案数量大幅上升。很多法院面临着案件数量多和司法力量相对不足的矛盾。解决这一问题的出路在于充分发挥诉讼外纠纷解决机制的作用,通过诉调对接将人民调解、行政调解和司法调解相结合,充分发挥诉讼调解与其他调解的优势,提高司法解决纠纷的效率。
  AbstractSince the implement of the new way of paying legal fare, the acceptance of law cases by courts is dramatically increasing. Most courts are facing the problem that the inadequate legal power cannot handle numerous law cases. Solution to this problem lies in exerting the effect of resolving dissensions out of lawsuit. Through the joint of lawsuit and intermediation, that is, join together people's intermediation, administrative intermediation and judicial intermediation, and exert fully the advantages of lawsuit intermediation and other intermediation. Thus, a fine solution to this problem is increasing the efficiency of judicial solution or the joint of lawsuit by court and intermediation by the people.
  Key wordslawsuit intermediation; people's  intermediation; the joint of lawsuit and intermediation
邢晓燕1, 李秀义2
(1.仰恩大学管理学院,福建  泉州 362014;2.福建经济管理干部学院,福建  福州 350108 )
    摘  要:文章指出海峡西岸经济区战略能否实现,关键就在于福建能否秉持新战略指导思想,孙子兵法中的很多观念对区域经济背景下的政府公共管理有着很强的指导借鉴意义。首先,经济区背景下公共管理要坚持"必以全争于天下",克服行政区经济发展的弊端,在坚持协调发展的理念基础上,要追求发展的最高境界——"全胜"。其次,经济区背景下地方经济发展应善于借势,"求之于势不责于人", 承东连西、北上南下,取得突破性发展。
  AbstractThe article points out that the key to the fulfillment of the economic area strategy of the west side of Taiwan Straits is whether the Fujian province can uphold new guiding ideology.The government can borrow reference from The Art of War to guide public management against the background of regional economic areas. First of all,to overcome the shortcomings of economic development issue in administrative area, we must hold"fighting in the whole world", and pursue the highest level of development——"winwin" based on the coordinated development idea. Second, local economy against the background of the economic zone must be good at seizing opportunity to have a breakthrough in development.
  Key wordsthe economic area of the west side of Taiwan Straits; SAR economy; the Art of War
(五邑大学管理学院 , 广东  江门 529020)
    摘  要:政府门户网站是政务公开、服务公众、方便公众的重要渠道。文章针对现阶段政府门户网站存在的问题,提出了政府门户网站建设的具体措施,为各级政府门户网站的建设提供了参考性意见。
  关键词:门户网站; 政府上网工程; 隐私权
  AbstractGovernmental portal is an importantal channel for chief public, public service and public convenience. It analyses the existing problems of the governmental portal at this stage, and provides some measures for governmental portal construction at different levels.
  Key wordsportal; governmental  Internet works; privacy
(安徽省安庆市公路局,安徽 安庆 246003)
    摘  要:交通产业投资需要投入巨额经济要素,从而必然影响宏观经济态势。交通产业投资的主要目的是改善投资环境和提高生活品质,但来自政府部门的交通产业投资也可能会恶化公共财政,增加纳税人的未来负担,除利率升高以外,还会造成劳动力、土地、建材等各种资源对私人投资的排挤效应,推高资源的价格水平。为减轻公共财政负担和提升交通产业投资效率,应在交通投资的特征框架下更多引入私人力量的参与,使公私合作成为主导形式。同时对于交通投资项目应基于公共利益进行成本效益分析。
  AbstractTraffic  industry requires huge investment in economic factors, which will inevitably affect the macroeconomic situation.  The main purpose of investment on traffic industry is to improve the investment environment and  the quality of life, but from the governmental  investment in the traffic  industry may also  deteriorate public financeand, increase the burden on future taxpayers, in addition to higher interest rates, but also the labor force, land, building materials and other resources on the effects of crowding out private investment, push up the price level of resources. In order to alleviate the financial burden of public traffie industry and enhance the efficiency of investment, investment  traffic  under the framework of the characteristics of the introduction of more private sector participation in power, so that public-private cooperation have become a dominant form. At the same time, for traffic  investment projects should be analysed based on public interest and costbenefit.
  Key wordsinvestment on traffic  industry;macroeconomic situation; burden on public finance
(浙江省淳安县技工学院,浙江 淳安 311700)
    摘  要:会计电算化是会计工作现代化的重要内容和标志。实行会计电算化,可以大大提高会计工作的效率,使会计基础工作规范化。文章论述了会计电算化的特点和优势;分析了会计电算化网络安全的现状,对会计电算化的常见故障给出了对策。
  AbstractThe accounting computerization is important content and sign of accountancy's modernization.The conduction of this computerization will enhance the efficiency of accountancy and standardize it. The paper presents the characteristies and advantage of accounting computerization, analyses the present situation of network security of computerization and puts forward the countermeasures to the breakdowns.
  Key wordsaccounting computerization; characteristic; security countermeasure
(安徽大学中文系,安徽 合肥 230039)
    摘  要:文章通过对新时期以来西方文论影响下的中国当代文论现状的考察,指出未完成状态下的当代文论建设所面临的困境,着力探讨传统文论现代性转化的可能途径,并对当代文论的健康发展作出了积极思考。
  AbstractBy studying the Chinese contemporary literary theory under the influence of its western-world counterparts, the paper points out the predicament that the unfinished theory confronted within its building process, concentrates on discussing the probability of transformation in modernization of the conventional literary theory, and reflectes positively on the sound development of contemporary literary theory.
  Key wordscontemporary literary theory; conventional literary theory; transformation; reconstruction of value
芙, 黄海军, 孙元元
(浙江理工大学 外国语学院 浙江 杭州 310018)
    摘  要:随着电脑网络的日益普及,网络语言引起人们广泛的关注。文章重点分析了英汉网络语言的特点和发展趋势,指出面对网络语言这一新生的语言变体,人们应该采取客观、科学的态度来认识,积极引导网络用语朝健康的方向发展。
  关键词:网络语言; 语言变体; 网语特点
  AbstractWith the fast popularization of the computer network, cyberlanguage becomes the focus of people's attention. This thesis makes an analysis of the language features and the future development of Chinese & English Cyberlanguages and illustrates that people should take an objective and scientific attitude towards the cyber variation of language and guide  it into a positive way of development.
  Key wordsCyberlanguage; the variation of  language; the features of Cyberlanguage
(昆明理工大学文学院,云南 昆明 650224)
    摘  要:目前云南省正在大力进行文化大省建设,并取得了显著的成绩。在视觉文化时代,视觉化传播是一种切实有效的方式,而要进一步通过视觉化传播来发展云南的文化产业,需开拓思路和领域。
  AbstractAt present, a construction of Wenhuadasheng(a province with rich cultures) in Yunnan Province, and has achieved great achievement. But in the visual culture of the times, visual communication is an effective method, the development of cultural industry in Yunnan will be realized by visual cultural communication and new ideas and areas will also be explored.
  Key wordsYunnan Province's culture;cultural  industry;visual cultural communication
(南通职业大学 外语系,江苏 南通 226007)
    摘  要:福柯权力话语理论阐述了权力、知识和话语三者之间的相互关系,即知识是权力的象征,话语是权力的表现形式,控制知识权力话语的文化力量能够实现其文化控制地位。强势文化往往在交流中获取说话的权力,并对弱势文化进行操控。因此在某种程度上,翻译已不再是单纯的语言转换工具,而是一种在不同的权力话语制约下的对话与交流。"汉城"改名"首尔"实际上是韩国经济文化发展后试图扭转其文化历史上弱势的文化地位,显示了韩国对于强势文化地位的渴求。
  AbstractFoucault's power discourse theory elaborates the correlation between power, knowledge and discourse, i.e., knowledge is the symbol of power and discourse is the representative form of power, and controlling the culture power of the discourse can realize the position of controlling culture. Powerful cultures gain the discourse right in cultural communication and control weak cultures, thus to some extent, translation is not only the bridge between different languagess, but the discourse between different cultures. To change the name from "Hangcheng" to "Shouer" (which are both Seoul in English)shows that with the development of its economy and cultural, Korea tries to change its weaker culture position compared with Chinese powerful culture. The change of the translation shows Korean desire for the position of powerful culture  
  Key wordspower discourse theory; powerful culture; weak culture; "Hangcheng"; "Shouer"
(上海师范大学 音乐学院,上海 200234)
    摘  要:维拉·洛勃斯是20世纪巴西最伟大的作曲家,也是第一位世界闻名的南美作曲家。他的创作是他个人的宏伟意愿以及在生活中饱经沧桑的结果。文章从分析他的生活背景以及音乐创作生涯着手,力求展现他在钢琴作品领域中所展现的独特的巴西风情,从而深入肯定他在致力于巴西民族音乐创作上的突出贡献。
  AbstractHeitor VillaLobos was one of the greatest Brazilian composers in the 20th century, and he was also famous as the first South American composer. His compositions resulted from his individual magnificent willings and abundant life experience. The article initiates from Lobos' living background and music innovation career, tries to reveal unique Brazilian characteristic implicated in his piano compositions, furthermore, to affirm his outstanding contribution to Brazilian nationali music compositions.
  Key wordsHeitor VillaLobos; Brazilian music; piano composition
(安徽省芜湖市第三中学,安徽  芜湖 241000)
    摘  要:文章从舞蹈《皇冠博彩》与器乐曲《皇冠博彩网址平台》的不同艺术表现说起,论述了"音乐形象"的确定性、可塑性和随意性及其相互关系。
  AbstractThe paper presents the determinism adaptalility and plasticity as well as the relation between them, from the different are expression of the dance"Death of Swan"and the instrumental music "Swan".
  Key wordsmusical impression; determinism; plasticity: capriciousness; unity  of opposites
(皇冠博彩,安徽 合肥 230051)
    摘  要:目前,我国民办高校在人才的引进、使用和稳定方面存在许多问题,人力资源管理成为制约民办高校发展的内在要素。要解决这些问题,必须从文化建设、师资培训及薪酬管理等方面着手。最根本的应该是从法律上规范管理体制,将投资人和管理人职责明确分开,让学院由真正的教育专家按教学规律进行管理,以帮助民办高校提高人力资源管理水平,走出一条可持续发展之路。
  AbstractHuman resources management is an inner key element which restricts the development of localpeoplerun colleges; as a result, there are a lot of problems in the introduction, use and stabilization of talents in these colleges. These problems can be sloved from such aspects as the cultural construction, the cultivation of teachers and payment management, and it is the most important to standardize the management system in law. The responsiblities of investors and supervisors should be clearly divided so that the colleges willbe run by the educational experts according to the teaching law, the strategy of human resource management in the colleges will be enhanced, and the colleges will enjoy sustainable development.
  Key wordslocalpeoplerun college; human resources management; problem; measure
(南京人口管理干部学院 教务处,江苏 南京 210042)
    摘  要:"社会本位论"下的道德存在和知识存在无法完整诠释教师的主体存在,生命存在是教师主体存在的根基。教师体力、脑力、心理等方面的全面和谐发展必须以"以人为本"即教师生命存在作为其逻辑前提。生命教育理应关怀教师生命存在最基本的、最具体的生存条件,而这种生命关照必然要建立在对教师生存现状的实证研究基础之上。
  AbstractMoral existence and knowledge existence under the social sectionalism cannot explain the teachers' subject existence while life existence is the base of teachers' subject existence. The physical strength, brainpower and psychology of teachers must be developed harmoniously, and the premise is "people first". Education about life should pay attention to the most basic and concrete living conditions of teachers. and this concern for life must be established on the research about the living status quo of teachers. 
  Key wordsteacher;living status quo;positiue research
(福建师范大学,福建 福州 350007)
    摘  要:正面典型教育在很长一段时间对人们起到巨大的示范、引导和激励作用,是思想政治教育工作坚持的基本方针。但是近年来正面典型教育所起的效果有弱化的趋势,这对思想政治工作提出了挑战。因此,分析正面典型教育效果弱化现象的原因并找出解决办法有着重要的意义。
  关键词:正面典型;教育;  效果;  弱化;对策
  AbstractAs a basic principle of ideological and political education work, positive typical education plays a great part in demonstrating, guiding and inspiring people for a long period.for a long period  However, in recent years its effect has a weakening trend, which poses a challenge to ideological and political work. As a result, it is important to find the causes and solutions to the phenomenon of the weakening of typical education.
  Key wordspositive type; education; effect; weakening trend;countermeasure
余华银, 宋马林
(安徽财经大学 统计与应用数学学院,安徽 蚌埠 233030)
    摘  要:文章从互动式教学的内涵出发,探讨统计创新型人才培养的有效模式,分析互动式教学与创新能力培养的关系,提出互动式教学是培养新时期统计创新型人才的有效途径。进而从不同的角度并结合教学实践,对开放式课堂教学、互动式研讨和互动式探究性学习等统计学专业互动式教学组织形式展开研究。
  AbstractFrom the philosophy of interactive teaching, this article discusses an effective training model for creative talents for statistics and relationship between interactive teaching and innovative capacitybuilding in order to bring forward an effective way of creative talents for statistics in the new era. The openclassroom teaching, interactive discussions and interactive inquiry are put forward from different angles with teaching practice subsequently.
  Key wordsinteractive teaching; statistics; creative talents
敏, 赵金东
(衡水学院外语系,河北 衡水 053000)
    摘  要:翻译课教学重在培养学生的翻译能力,然而传统的翻译教学模式难以激发学生强烈的翻译实践欲望,因而不易获得良好的翻译能力。本着实用性、可操作性原则,文章尝试从探究译文优劣的视角,探索如何使学生提高翻译兴趣和学习效果,力求做到让学生学会如何独自处理译料、如何修改并推出译作精品,打造终身受益的学习方法。
  Abstract Theoretically, translation course focuses on cultivating the students' translating ability. But the traditional teaching method fails to motivate the students' strong desire in translating practice. As a result, the students cannot improve their practical translation ability under the teaching mode. Based on the rules of practicability and operability, this paper aims at probing a way available in stirring up the students' translating interests and improving the result of learning from the aspect of inquiring the quality of the versions. It is hoped that the students can foster lifelong beneficial learning method in translating materials independently and in forging exquisite versions by the research.
  Key wordsinquirylearning mode;   resecrch mode;  translating teaching;
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