作者:ahzyxb  添加时间:2008-03-30 点击次数:861
甘路有1,  杨  艳1
(1.绵阳师范学院 法学与社会学院,四川 绵阳  621000;2.西华师范大学 政治与行政学院,四川 南充  637002)
摘  要:二十世纪世界历史的一个重大事件就是苏东剧变,世界社会主义陷入低潮。《皇冠博彩》作为无产阶级政党的纲领性文献,它对于我们今天再次解析苏东剧变产生的原因无疑具有重要的指导作用,同时对我国当前所进行的改革开放和社会主义现代化建设也具有积极的借鉴作用和启示意义。
中图分类号:A12      文章编号:A      文章编号:1672-9536(2008)01-0001-04
AbstractThe collapse of Soviet Union and Eastern Europe is an important event in the 20th century that makes  the movement of worldwide socialism go into the low tide. As the proletarian party’s programmatic document, the Manifesto of the Communist Party still has  an importmant effect for us to analyse the causes of  the collapse of Soviet Union and Eastern Europe again and has an enlightening meaning and referential use for the opening up and modernization drive in our country.
Key words“the Manifesto of the Communist Party”; the collapse of Soviet Union and Eastern Europe; Marxism; proletarian party
张永刚,  单  辉
(广西民族大学 文学院,广西 南宁  530006)
摘  要:先秦儒家已具有自觉的生态意识,初步认识到生物体及其与环境的关系,在“天人相分”的观念中提出了“制天命而用之”,发挥人的主动性和积极性;在“天人合一”的理念下提出“仁民而爱物”,维护自然生态的平衡,没有“天人相分”的“天人合一”是不健全的,“天人合一”与“天人相分”是一个矛盾的统一体。
中图分类号:I206.2      文章编号:A      文章编号:1672-9536(2008)01-0005-04
AbstractThe Pre-Confucianism has an awareness of ecology, an initial understanding of the relationship between organisms and their environment. "The system of Heaven and by the people"is put forward in the concept of "Heaven Phase", that is, to bring people's initiative into full play;  the "kind to people and love matters" is put forward in the concept of "Unity of Heaven and Man,"that is, to maintain the natural ecological balance."Unity of Heaven and Man"would not be sound without "Separation of Heaven and Man", and they are a contradictory unity.
Key wordsPre-Confucianism; Unity of Heaven and Man; Separation of Heaven and Man; Ecological Ethics
(吉首大学政治与公共管理学院,湖南 吉首  416000)
摘  要:市场经济是生产力发展阶段上的社会经济形态,市场经济的完善需要集体主义精神的培养,极端的个人主义和极端的集体主义都会破坏社会经济的发展。因此,以经济发展的内在需求为出发点,联系我国社会主义市场经济的实践,揭示市场经济与集体主义的内在联系,具有理论和现实的积极意义。
中图分类号:B82      文章编号:A      文章编号:1672-9536(2008)01-0009-06
AbstractThe market economy is a social economic pattern at the stage of productivity’s growth, which needs the collectivism to cultivate. Both the excessive individualism and the excessive collectivism will disturb the development of the social economy. It is very important both on theory and reality to disclose the internal relations of market economy and collectivism with the angle of view on the need of the economic development  and the practice of our socialist market economy.
Key wordsmarket economy; individualism; collectivism; relationship
(皇冠博彩,安徽 合肥  230051)
摘  要:文章对新型PTT/PET针织物进行碱处理工艺优化,实验显示为PTT/PET针织物碱处理的最佳工艺条件为温度80℃,时间为40分钟,碱浓度为15g/l。
中图分类号:TS2      文章编号:A      文章编号:1672-9536(2008)01-0014-03
AbstractThis atrical  discusses the  comcentrations of alkaline treatment about the moisture comfort of PTT/PET fabric.The results show  that  comcentrations of alkaline treatment  with  an  aqueous  solution  of sodium  hydroxide  of  15 g/l  at 80℃  for 40minutes.
Key wordsPTTfiber; deweighting  by  caustic  hydrolysis;orthogonal design
(七台河职业学院, 黑龙江 七台河  154600)
摘  要:PID控制器具有鲁棒性及人工智能性的特点,广泛应用于工业过程自动化。近十多年来在机电等需要快速响应的非传统应用领域也普遍采用PID控制,并移植为人工智能控制器的基本结构模式,文章对典型的PID控制器进行了分析,重点研究其控制品质、参数整定及其控制模式间的相互关系。
中图分类号:TP13      文章编号:A      文章编号:1672-9536(2008)01-0017-03
AbstractPIDcontroller has been widely applied to the automation of industrial process due to its robustness and artificial intelligence architecture. Since 1990's, PIDcontroller has been generally adopted in the unconventional electromechanical field with fast response and has been transplanted to be a basic structural mode of controller with artificial intelligence. Typical controllers are also analysed here. The author  investigates  the interrelationship of their control quality, parameter tuning and control model.
Key wordsPID; automatization; application
(安徽城市管理职业学院,安徽 合肥  230601)
摘  要:文章提出一种基于小波变换的像素级图像融合方法,即首先对源图像利用Mallat算法做小波分解,然后由区域能量法实现小波系数的选择。实验选取曼谷西北部的多波段图像进行融合,统计特性评价结果表明了该算法的有效性。
中图分类号:O4      文章编号:A      文章编号:1672-9536(2008)01-0020-05
Abstract A wavelet based pixel-level image fusion method is proposed in this paper. First, source images are decomposed by Mallat algorithm. Then wavelet coefficients are selected according to the regional energy maximum rules. Experiments are performed on multi-band remote sensing images of northwest Bangkok region. The results of statistical evaluation demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Key words wavelet transform; Mallat algorithm; regional energy maximum rule; statistical evaluation
严佳华1,2,  王卫荣1
(1.合肥工业大学 机械与汽车工程学院,安徽合肥  230009;2. 皇冠博彩 机械工程系,安徽 合肥  230051)
摘  要:文章阐述了零件表面粗糙度代号的标注方法,提出了在AutoCAD环境下利用AutoLISP语言编程与属性块插入相结合实现表面粗糙度代号的快速标注。
中图分类号:U46      文章编号:A      文章编号:1672-9536(2008)01-0025-03
AbstractThe paper presents the method of how to mark the code name of a part′s surface roughness  and introduces the method of fast marking through the combination of Auto LISP programming and the insertion of attributive blocks under AutoCAD.
Key wordsAutoCAD; AutoLISP; degree of surface roughness; marking
(陕西教育学院 思想政治教学部,陕西 西安  710061)
摘  要:〖JP3〗列宁和邓小平对社会发展代价问题都有深刻的思考,都肯定了社会发展代价存在的客观性,都采取了科学的态度对待不同类型的发展代价,并探索出了多种减轻发展代价的有效途径。邓小平结合时代特点和具体国情,在避免和控制社会发展代价的政治保障、战略、方法、检验标准、发展基础等方面丰富和发展了列宁社会发展代价思想。两人的社会发展代价思想对我们正确认识和处理当前社会发展代价问题具有重要启示意义。
中图分类号:A8      文章编号:A      文章编号:1672-9536(2008)01-0028-05
AbstractBoth Lenin and Deng Xiaoping had a profound cognition about the social development cost and also confirmed its objectivity. Simultaneously, they both took scientific attitudes towards the different kinds of development cost and succeeded in groping many useful means to lessen the cost. According to the features of times and the concrete national conditions, Deng Xiaoping also riched and improved Lenin’s thoughts about the cost in political guaranty, strategy, method, judging standard, and development base, etc, on how to lessen and control the cost. The research on their thoughts about the social development cost is of great enlightening.
Key wordsDeng Xiaoping; Lenin; the social development cost
(常州信息职业技术学院,江苏 常州  213164)
摘  要:和谐生态与和谐社会分别标志着自然生态系统和人类社会系统的不同状态。一方面,建设和谐生态是构建社会主义和谐社会的基本内容;另一方面,构建社会主义和谐社会是我们建设和谐生态的基本途径,但当它们成为我国现代化建设追求的目标时,二者却表现出“以人为本”这一共同的价值取向。建设和谐生态促进和谐社会建设的路径有:发挥国家在生态建设中的主导作用;生态建设要走法治化道路;把生态建设与当地人民的脱贫致富有机结合起来;提高人的素质,树立生态安全意识。
中图分类号:D0-0      文章编号:A      文章编号:1672-9536(2008)01-0033-04
AbstractAs we all know, harmonious ecology is a different word from harmonious society. The former means the  natural system and the latter points to human beings. However,when we put both of them as objects of the country’s modernization, these two words show a common value target, that is, human-oriented.On one hand, constructing harmonious ecology is a basic content of building harmonious society. On the other hand, building harmonious society is the primary channel of constructing harmony. In order to promote both harmonious ecology and harmonious society in next decades, we should take various measures such as urging government to play the leading role, change modes of economic growth for putting emphasis on green economic, alter traditional production ways to strengthen ecological industries, and  improve the integrated quality and the ecology consciousness of the masses.
Key wordsharmonious ecology; harmonious society; harmony between nature and human beings; value orientation
刘  兵
(苏州大学 法学院,江苏 苏州  215006)
摘  要:在当前我国,一旦某位公民被确定为犯罪嫌疑人,则与其相关的各种权利都将受到不同程度的限制、甚至被剥夺即停权,包括与其身份有关的权利。然而就犯罪嫌疑人在侦查阶段被限制或剥夺的各种身份权即身份停权来看,目前仅有对人大代表在侦查阶段进行政治身份停权具有宪法依据,除此之外在侦查阶段对犯罪嫌疑人身份方面的权利进行停权均缺乏宪法依据甚至毫无法律依据。因此,有必要通过建立和完善相关制度对犯罪嫌疑人在侦查阶段的身份权利加以保障。
中图分类号:DF72      文章编号:A      文章编号:1672-9536(2008)01-0037-04
AbstractNowadays,in our country, once a certain  citizen is ascertained to be a criminal suspect, then all kinds of his rights will be deprived even by restricting to varying degrees. As far as the status rights of criminal suspect to be restricted or be deprived at the  investigating stage are concerned, only can the status right of the deputy to the People’s Congress at the  investigating stage  be stopped having constitutional basis. Except this, restricting or depriving   status rights of the criminal suspect at the  investigating stage are all short of even without any constitutional or other law bases.  Therefore, it is necessary to build and perfect relevant system to ensure the criminal  suspect's status right at the  investigating stage.
Key wordsinvestigating stage; criminal suspect; human right;guarantee
(安徽省委党校,安徽 合肥  230022)
摘  要:当前,社会各方高度关注中部崛起,位于中部靠东的安徽,在省委、省政府“东向发展,融入长三角”战略思维的强力推动下,引来了前所未有的发展机遇,存在着大量投融资机会。一个高效的政府,当务之急是将资金引向社会效益最高或最具活力、回报率高的产业部门和企业中去。但目前安徽省投融资体系存在着政府职能转变不彻底、投资结构不合理、投融资渠道不畅等问题。在这一背景下,文章对安徽省投融资体系进行了分析,为其进一步建立和完善投融资体系提出了政策建议。
中图分类号:F832.48      文章编号:A      文章编号:1672-9536(2008)01-0041-04
AbstractThe central rise has drawn great attention in China; at present, Anhui province, located in the central east, under the strategy of "develop to east and integrate into the Yangtze Delta"which is estaltished by Anhui provincial Party Commicttee and government, faces unprecedented opportunities for development and investment and financing. The problems are the unthorough change of governmental function, unreasonable investment structure and the unsmooth way of financing ways. The paper describes the current situation of the investment and financing system in Anhui under this background and puts forward some suggestions.
Key wordsAnhui; investment and financing system; countermeasure
(湘潭大学 哲学与历史文化学院,湖南湘潭  411105)
摘  要:自从亚当·斯密以来,“理性经济人”假设是西方主流经济学基本前提和核心概念。文章首先对理性经济人假设作了梳理,肯定这一假设的理论意义,深入地阐述了它的五个维度,在剖析了这一基本假设的基础上,得出了一些对经济理论建设的有益启示,以期有利于我国社会主义市场经济的健康发展。
中图分类号:F0      文章编号:A      文章编号:1672-9536(2008)01-0045-04
AbstractSince  Adam Smith, the hypothesis of rational homo-economics man is a fundamental premise and core concept of westwen mainstream economics. The paper combs  basic hypothesis, affirms its theortical  significance, expounds its five dimensions, and finally makes us obtain beneficial enlightments for the healthy development of our socialist market economy.
Key wordsrational homo-economics man; traditional economics; dimension
(曲阜师范大学翻译学院,山东 日照  276826)
摘  要:与普通英语相比,法律英语有自己的文体特征即:精确、正式、简洁、规范。长句在法律英语中的大量使用是体现其文体特征的重要方面之一。文章从四个方面分析了其原因:复杂的状语结构,状语成分的位置,关系句和错综复杂句的使用。
中图分类号:H31      文章编号:A      文章编号:1672-9536(2008)01-0049-03
AbstractCompared with the common English, legal English has its own stylistic features as follows: precise and accurate, formal and authoritative, concise and explicit, normal and standard. The preponderance of long sentences in legal English is one of the most important aspects which embody the stylistic features of legal English. The causes are analyzed from four aspects in this paper: complicated adverbial structure, the position of some adverbials, relative clauses and synthesized complicated sentences.
Key wordslong sentences; adverbial; relative clause
(山东大学 文学与新闻传播学院,山东 济南  250100)
摘  要:作为早期话剧运动中出现最早、存在时间最长、影响最大的一个剧社,春柳社上演的剧目具有浓厚的悲剧特征,表现在为非常注重悲剧情境的渲染,以突出全剧的悲剧情调;重视悲剧冲突的设置,以展现人物命运的离合悲欢;在结局的处理方式上,打破了古典悲剧的“大团圆”结局采用西方悲剧中“一悲到底”的结构方式,以追求悲剧效果的惨烈性。春柳悲剧的诞生,标志着中国戏剧已经初步确立起了现代悲剧意识。
中图分类号:I206      文章编号:A      文章编号:1672-9536(2008)01-0052-03
AbstractAs the biggest troupe which was estatlished earliest, existed longest and had the largest influence, the Chunliu Troupe put on stage a great deal of dramas with heavy tragedic characteristics.First, it pays great attention to exaggerate the tragedy situation, in order to prominent the entire play’s tragedy affective tone.Second, it pays much attention to establish the tragedy’s conflict, in order to demonstrate the parting sorrow and joy of the character’s destiny. Third, in result’s processing mode, in order to make the effect of the tragedy more severe, the Chunliu Troupe prefers to use the Western tragedy’s “sad ending” instead of the classical tragedy’s “happy ending” result. The birth of the Chunliu tragedy marks the establishment of the modern tragedy ideology of Chinese drama.
Key wordsChunliu troupe; tragedy; the Japanese new school drama
俞  放1,  沈  燕
(1.安徽省科技馆,安徽 合肥  230088;2.合肥学院,安徽合肥  230022)
摘  要:由于书籍本身结构的对称性,因此,平衡对称广泛应用于封面设计中。文章详细论述了在封面设计中形状、颜色、主次、图片、文字及封面封底等的平衡对称的运用,并指出了平衡对称只是众多设计方法中的一种。如何准确地表现图书的主题思想,将设计者和编辑、著作者的想法有机地协调起来仍然是设计者的第一选择,设计方式只是实现此目的的手段而已。
中图分类号:J04      文章编号:A      文章编号:1672-9536(2008)01-0055-04
AbstractStructure of a book is symmetrical, so symmetry is widely used in cover design. The paper presents the use of symmetry in the coverdesign such as shape, color, order, picture, word, cver and back-cover.Symmetry is one of the designing methods, which are realized in the  ways of designing. Whereas, the first choice of cover design is how to explain the main thought of a book accurately, and how to combine thoughts among designers, directors and writers.Method of design is just a means of realising the purpose.
Key wordscover design; factor; symmetry
(河源职业技术学院,广东 河源  517000)
摘  要:运用系统科学的理论和方法对“四位一体”的办学模式进行了分析。在阐述“四位一体”办学特色的基础上,论证了“四位一体”建立的原则及其与系统科学、PDCA循环的联系。
中图分类号:G647      文章编号:A      文章编号:1672-9536(2008)01-0059-05
AbstractThe paper analyses the school operation of "one body with four respects"(teaching, reseorch, production and employment) from the viewpoint of system science. It presents its characteristics, principals and its relationship betweem it system science and PDCA circulation. 
Key wordssystem science; vocational collegei; PDCA circulation; "one body with four  respects"
房  敏1,  李天鹰
(1.德州学院 历史系,山东 德州  253023;2.东北师范大学 教育科学学院,吉林 长春  130024)〖KH-*2/3〗
摘  要:柔性管理是一种以人为本,突出人性的软性管理方式。文章阐述了教师柔性管理的产生与发展、内涵,以及教师柔性管理模式的基本特征等柔性管理的基本理论,在此基础上提出了几点实施教师柔性管理的对策。
中图分类号:C93      文章编号:A      文章编号:1672-9536(2008)01-0064-03〖HK〗〖KH-*2/3〗〖HT〗
AbstractFlexible manageme is a kind of soft management which focuses on "human-orientation" and humanity. The paper introduces the basic theory of teacher's flexible management, such as its development, its connotation and its characteristics.The paper also puts forward several countermeasures.
Key wordsflexible management; teacher's management; operation〖KH-*2/3〗
(番禺职业技术学院  应用外语系,广东 广州  511483)
摘  要:文章论述了高校教师的作用和任务,分析了高等职业教育及其教师的特殊性。
中图分类号:G71      文章编号:A      文章编号:1672-9536(2008)01-0067-03
AbstractThe paper discusses the function and task of teacher in vocational colleges and analyzes higher vocational education and characteristics of the teachers.
Key wordshigher vocational education; teachers in higher vocational education; specific characteristic
(安徽行政学院,安徽 合肥  230059)
摘  要:文章分析了目前高职院校文秘专业的教学现状和存在的问题,提出从转变教学观念,调整课程体系,丰富教学内容,改进教学方法,完善考评手段等五个方面对高职院校文秘专业教学进行改革。
中图分类号:G27      文章编号:A      文章编号:1672-9536(2008)01-0070-03
Abstract The paper analyzes the present situation of the teaching of secretary major in vocational colleges and points out the problems. It also puts forward the measures to reform the teaching method from five aspects, suchas changing the educational concepts, adjusting the system of the course, riching the content, improving the teaching method and establishing a better exam and grading system.
Key wordsvocational college; secretary major; teaching; reform
(皇冠博彩,安徽 合肥  230051)
摘  要:加入WTO 后,我国迫切需要培养出一批具有较强的国际意识,熟悉国际经济和贸易运行规则的创新型高素质人才。为了顺应形势的发展,必须对《皇冠博彩》教学进行改革。
中图分类号:F740.4      文章编号:A      文章编号:1672-9536(2008)01-0073-03
Abstract After the entry into WTO, there arises a need for a number of talented persons with strong international consciousness and familiar with international economy and rules of trade operation.The  course of "International Trade Practice" should be reformed in order to conform to the situation.
Key wordsInternational Trade Practice; characteristic; reform of teaching
李俊峰,  范文卿
(扬州职业大学,江苏 扬州  225009)
摘  要:文章运用教育心理学理论分析了当前高职英语教学中普遍存在的几个困惑,旨在加深外语教师对教学对象和教学过程的认识,改进教学方法,增强教学效果。
中图分类号:G44      文章编号:A      文章编号:1672-9536(2008)01-0076-05
AbstractThe paper analyses several problems in English teaching in vocational colleges by  educational psychology, aiming at deepening English teachers’ understanding of the students and their teaching process, and improving teaching methods and effectiveness.
Key wordseducational psychology; study strategies; non-intelligence factors
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