

Halloween is just around the corner, and you've probably been wondering why it's a holiday full of pumpkin carving and people dressing up in costumes. You might also be curious as to why people go trick-or-treating, just showing up at someone's door and asking for candy! Fear not, below are five of Halloween's most important traditions―debunked.
1.Why do people carve pumpkins?
Surprisingly, a strong part of this tradition involves being stingy. In fact, the tradition arose from the Irish myth of Stingy Jack, a man who invited the devil to have a drink with him.
没想到吧,这个习俗竟然能跟小气扯上关系。南瓜灯源自爱尔兰“吝啬鬼杰克”(Stingy Jack)邀请魔鬼与他一同喝酒的传说
Since Stingy Jack didn't want to pay for the drink, he asked the devil to turn into a coin. The devil turned himself into a coin and Stingy Jack decided he preferred to put it in his pocket, next to a silver cross, which would stop the devil from restoring his original self.
Stingy Jack later released the devil on the condition that he would leave him alone for a year, and that if he died, the devil would not claim his soul. Jack kept teasing the devil and eventually when he died, God refused to let him into heaven, and the devil, disdain for Stingy Jack's ways and following up on his promise to not claim his soul, sent Stingy Jack back as a ghost into the world with only a burning coal to light his way. Stingy Jack decided to place the coal inside a carved-out turnip to light his way.
后来杰克同意把魔鬼放出来,前提是魔鬼要给他一年的自由时间,他死了不能收走 他的魂魄。后来,杰克还捉弄了魔鬼好多次,再后来他真的死了,上帝不让他上天堂,魔鬼也嫌弃他,并且遵守诺言不收走他的魂魄。于是他成了在人间流浪的鬼 魂,手上拿着一块发光的炭照亮前方的路。后来他决定把炭放进一个挖空的胡萝卜里来照明。
The Irish and the Scots made these turnip lamps to frighten Stingy Jack, but those who immigrated to the US realised that pumpkins were better suited, and more importantly, cheaper!
2.Why do people dress up in scary costumes for Halloween?
When Halloween was a Celtic holiday it was celebrated by both honoring good spirits and warding off evil ones. The idea of dressing in a scary way, just like the Halloween pumpkin, came from a desire to frighten away evil spirits. However, the formality of the tradition has morphed into a more jovial holiday that allows people to dress up in whatever way they like.
3.Why do people go trick-or-treating?
In Europe during the Middle Ages, poor people would knock on wealthy people's doors and offer to pray for the wealthy people's souls. In exchange they would be given pastries. This tradition seems to have combined with another, that of dressing up and performing a short skit or a trick, singing a song, or reciting a poem. Today, children will knock on neighbor's doors asking for candy, or a treat, with the expectation that if no treat is given, the children will perform a trick on the neighbor.
4.Why do people prank each other on Halloween?
It's hard to trace the origins of the Halloween prank, but today it has become a common phenomenon, and a huge source of discussion. Today, Halloween is one of those days when pranks are generally accepted, so long as they are innocent.
This year, Michael Irvine, from Ireland, takes the prize for most ingenious prank as he used a drone to help an evil spirit from the Harry Potter saga, a dementor, take flight.
今年最有创意的搞怪人非爱尔兰的迈克尔•欧文(Michael Irvine)莫属,他借助无人机让《皇冠博彩》电影中的摄魂怪玩偶飞了起来。
5.So it's a holiday about ghosts and evil spirits, but all I have to do now is dress up and have fun?
5. 所以这完全是个关乎妖魔鬼怪的节日,而我们要做的却是好好打扮一番然后尽情玩乐?