

    And no matter what grade you’re in,some of you are probably wishing it were still summer and you could’ve stayed in bed just a little bit longer this morning。
  And my mother,she didn’t have the money to send me where all the American kids went to school,but she thought it was important for me to keep up with an American education. So she decided to teach me extra lessons herself,Monday through Friday. But because she had to go to work,the only time she could do it was at 4:30 in the morning。
  We need every single one of you to develop your talents and your skills and your intellect so you can help us old folks solve our most difficult problems. If you don’t do that ---if you quit on school --- you’re not just quitting on yourself,you’re quitting on your country。
  But at the end of the day,the circumstances of your life --- what you look like,where you come from,how much money you have,what you’ve got going on at home --- none of that is an excuse for neglecting your homework or having a bad attitude in school. That’s no excuse for talking back to your teacher,or cutting class, or dropping out of school. There is no excuse for not trying.
  但归根结底,你的生活状况――你的长相、出身、经济 条件、家庭氛围――都不是疏忽学业和态度恶劣的借口,这些不是你去跟老师顶嘴、逃课、或是辍学的借口,这些不是你不好好读书的借口。
  Where you are right now doesn’t have to determine where you’ll end up. No one’s written your destiny for you,because here in America,you write your own destiny. You make your own future. That’s what young people like you are doing every day,all across America.
  That’s why today I’m calling on each of you to set your own goals for your education --- and do everything you can to meet them. Your goal can be something as simple as doing all your homework,paying attention in class,or spending some time each day reading a book.
  And along those lines,by the way,I hope all of you are washing your hands a lot,and that you stay home from school when you don’t feel well,so we can keep people from getting the flu this fall and winter.
  But whatever you resolve to do,I want you to commit to it. I want you to really work at it.
I know that sometimes you get that sense from TV that you can be rich and successful without any hard work --- that your ticket to success is through rapping or basketball or being a reality TV star. Chances are you’re not going to be any of those things.
  No one’s born being good at all things. You become good at things through hard work. You’re not a varsity athlete the first time you play a new sport. You don’t hit every note the first time you sing a song. You’ve got to practice.
A New study by the British government has discovered the mental well-being of the country‘s teenage girls has deteriorated.
  The survey,which included 30,000 14-year-old students in 2005 and 2014,showed 37 percent of girls with psychological stress,up from 34 percent in 2005. British boys‘ stress level was actually seen to fall over the same time period,from 17 percent to 15 percent.
  The report’s authors pointed out the “advent of the social media age” could be a major contributing factor for increased stress among teenage British girls。
  “The adolescent years are a time of rapid physical,cognitive and emotional development,” Pam Ramsden,a lecturer in psychology at the University of Bradford in the United Kingdom,wrote in a recent blog post. “Teenagers interact with people in order to learn how to become competent adults. In the past, they would engage with parents,teachers and other adults in their community as well as extended family members and friends. Now we can also add social media to that list of social and emotional development.”
  Throughout adolescence,girls and boys develop characteristics like confidence and self-control. Since teenage brains have not completely developed,teens don‘t have the cognitive awareness and impulse control to keep from posting inappropriate content. Furthermore,this content can easily be circulated far and wide with disastrous implications. 
  Social media can also feed into girls’ insecurities about their appearance,Ramsden said. These sites are often filled with images of people with body type unattainable to the normal person. However,these images and the messages tied to them creep into societal standards.
    Apple Inc. unveiled its new water- and dust-resistant iPhone 7 and a new version of its Apple Watch with high-resolution cameras at its fall product event on Wednesday, and said a “Super Mario” game was coming to the new phone and “Pokemon Go” would feature on its upgraded Apple Watch.
   苹果公司在周三秋季发布会上推出了具有防水、防尘、高分辨率镜头等新功能的iPhone 7和新版本的Apple Watch。同时,《亚洲博彩公司平台》和《皇冠博彩》也将分别登陆IOS平台和Apple Watch。
    Wireless AirPod
    Apple has finally taken the controversial decision to drop the 3.5mm headphone jack from its latest iPhone. This change is to free up more space to make iPhone 7 slimmer than previous models. The move means that owners of the iPhone 7 will not be able to directly connect any headphones with a traditional 3.5mm plug.
    最新出品的iPhone 7取消3.5毫米的耳机接口。这一改变是为了腾出更多空间让iPhone 7比前一版本的手机更轻薄。这就意味着,买了iPhone 7就不能直接把3.5毫米有线耳机插进去了。
    But, the adapter that will allow users to use their normal headphones will be included in the box with each iPhone 7 (left) along with wired headphones that use the lightning connector.
    但是,每一部iPhone 7的装机设备中(左边)都有一个可以连接传统耳机的转接头可以让用户使用有线耳机。
    AirPod, the new $159 wireless EarPods have a five-hour battery life - but will be sold separately.
Stereo Speakers
    For the first time, iPhone comes with stereo speakers, delivering two times the audio output of iPhone 6s and increased dynamic range. 
    这是iPhone出品的第一款带有立体声喇叭的手机,其输出的声音可达iPhone 6S的2倍,更具立体动态感。
    苹果7 PLUS新增至2个摄像头
    The new iPhone 7 Plus features two rear-facing 12-megapixel cameras. One has a wide-angle lens and is the same as the rear camera found on the new iPhone, with a ƒ/1.8 aperture,The second camera sports a telephoto lens. The dual-lens setup enables a new 2x optical zoom feature.
    全新的iPhone 7 Plus后置1200万像素的双摄像头。其中一个镜头是与苹果7一样的广角镜头,支持F1.8超大光圈,另一个是长焦镜头。双镜头设置支持新的2倍光学变焦功能。
     A attractive addition is two new finishes - one in a glossy jet black, and the other in matte black, simply called ‘black’, replacing the space grey of previous iPhone generations.
    In the hand, while the handsets use the same sizing convention as the 6s models (4.7-inches for the smaller, 5.5-inches for the larger), while the jet black is much more slippery.
    The white plastic antenna strip are a thing of the past - now Apple has coloured-matched them and relegated them to the top and bottom edges, creating a cleaner look.
    The iPhone 7 start at $649, the same price as the iPhone 6S when it launched, while the iPhone 7 Plus will start at $769.
iPhone 7的售价和iPhone 6S发布的时候价格一样,649美元起(约合人民币4322.34元),但是iPhone 7 Plus的官方售价为769美元起(约合人民币5121.54元)。
    Both handsets will be available in silver, gold, rose gold and the new black finish in 32GB, 128GB and 256GB models, while the new jet black finish will be offered exclusively on the 128GB and 256G versions.
    iPhone 7和iPhone 7 Plus都有银色,金色,玫瑰金和新的钢琴黑,存储有32GB,128GB,256GB可选。
    Pre-orders will begin on 9 September, with a launch date of 16 September for 28 countries, including the US and UK. An additional 30 countries will see the phones launched a week later. 
    The Apple Watch Series 2 and Apple Watch Nike+ are also available for pre-order from 9 September starting at $369 (£369).
    第二代Apple Watch和耐克版的Apple Watch9月9号开始接受预定,官方售价为369美元(约合人民币2459.38元)。
    The Apple Watch Series 2 will be available from 16 September, while the Nike+ version will go on sale in late October.
    第二代Apple Watch将于9月16号开始发售,但是耐克版要等到10月底。
    Team GB has been second in the Olympic medal table for nearly a week,pushing China into third place --- the same China that topped the medal table at the Beijing Olympics in 2008,and was second in 2004 and 2012。 So is GB doing well --- or is China doing badly?
  Much has been made of Team GB’s success so far in Rio. But it’s possible that China has done even more to propel the British up the table.
  Prior to the Games, some had predicted that China could win up to 36 gold medals. Instead,at noon on Friday,with just three days to go,they were sitting on just 20 - two behind Team GB --- despite having sent 416 athletes to Rio,compared with Team GB’s 366.
  So what has gone wrong?
  At the 2012 London games,China won 11 golds across swimming,gymnastics and fencing. This year they’ve managed only one.
  Swimming has been a source of particular disappointment,given that just one year ago China won five gold medals at the world championships.
  In gymnastics,China has been left without a gold for the first time since the nation began competing at the Olympics in 1984. In London four years ago they won five gymnastic golds,and in Beijing they won nine.
  It goes on. China’s badminton women’s doubles pair exited without a gold for the first time since the event was introduced in 1992. And China could only muster bronze in mixed doubles,despite having taken three of the five golds available between 1992 and 2012.

  That said,it’s not unusual for teams to do much better than normal when they are the host nation and then tail off at subsequent games.
  “We often see the performance afterwards declines a bit,” says Carsten Crede of the University of East Anglia. “You have an increased incentive as a country to invest in your athletes prior to hosting the games,so after that the incentive is gone.”
  In China’s case,the surge in gold medals at the 2008 Beijing Olympics,and the drop-off at the following games appears to be much sharper than Australia’s rise and fall before and after the Sydney games in 2000.
  Crede and his colleagues had predicted a total of 86 medals (including silvers and bronzes) for China. So far it has won just 58.
  By contrast,Team GB is only nine medals off its total of 65 from London 2012.
  There’s been considerable disquiet in the Chinese media about the national team’s performance in Rio. “You’re kidding me?” wrote the state news agency Xinhua of Team GB in a subsequently deleted tweet. “The country which has never finished above China,is about to.”
  Of the Chinese gymnasts,who took home just two bronzes, the official People’s Daily said:“People cannot but ponder - what on earth is up with them?”
But China’s decline may be a portent of Team GB’s future. “I think we will see a fading out over time,just as we might see with China at the moment,” Crede says. He says it’s too early to assess whether China truly has underperformed at Rio relative to how you would expect a team to fare two games after being hosts.
  What about the Tokyo games in four years’ time? Given China’s strong rivalry with Japan, it’s possible Beijing will pull out all the stops to perform well. Will Team GB already be on the familiar downward curve?